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Gut Health Retreat

Cowdray House

Cowdray’s Gut Health Retreat – A three day extensive gut health focused retreat at Cowdray House

Perfectly timed to reset your body ready for the summer months, Cowdray’s Gut Health Retreat will offer a bespoke transformative gut and lifestyle overhaul which is designed to change habits indefinitely putting you on course for a healthier future. This will be a three-day extensive gut health focused programme with personalised classes and workshops throughout with the aim of making sure that guests leave feeling nourished, revitalised and rejuvenated.

Taking place in the beautiful Cowdray House, a private and exclusive country house where guests can freely explore one hundred acres of manicured gardens and parkland. The retreat includes functional testing, specialist advice and guidance, alongside an exercise and dietary programme.

With numbers limited to only 10 participants, the bespoke programme is adjusted according to each person’s needs. Prior to your arrival, there is an individual pre-retreat consultation and comprehensive functional testing. Alongside the gut health programme, guests can enjoy healthy cookery demonstrations, a Wim Hof Method Experience, Personal Training fitness advice, Candlelit Yoga, a Sound Bath and a Change and Empowerment Workshop. 

This is an exclusive event run by Cowdray House, in partnership with Nicola Russell, Registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in Gut Health, alongside a team of experts including Transformation Coach Jo Glynn-Smith, Wim Hof Method Insutrctor Dan Huges, Yoga Teacher Chandni, Fitness Trainer Paul Cook, Cowdray’s Wellbeing Manager Rachel Usher and South Bath Therapist Jez Smith. Our experienced and highly respected team of Cowdray practitioners, who all excel in their chosen area of expertise, will be on hand to welcome guests to the retreat and to offer advice tailored to the individual’s needs. They will hold personalised classes and workshops during the three-day retreat with the aim of making sure that guests leave feeling nourished, revitalised and rejuvenated. To find out more, please click on the button below.


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