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Restful Yoga, Sound Bath & Soup – Come celebrate the Spring Equinox

Cowdray Hall

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Restful Yoga, Sound Bath & Soup

Rest and rejuvenate yourself with an evening of gentle, supported yoga postures followed by a Sound bath of Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, drum and chimes. The yoga postures are specifically sequenced to support the systems of the body and calm down the nervous system, perfect for preparing ourselves to lie down and receive the sound bath. Sound frequencies from the various instruments played, penetrate the tissues of the body and is highly effective in triggering our relaxation response. Claire walks around the room and plays the instruments near you, sometimes a Himalayan bowl is placed directly on your body so you receive the healing vibrations. People leave feeling very calm and relaxed. They also experience a wonderful, restful nights sleep!

This event finishes with a delicious bowl of homemade soup and some bread.

Claire has over 25 years experience in the wellness industry teaching yoga and giving Shiatsu. She has just recently completed her 2-yr Diploma in Sound healing with the Sound Healing Academy, which teaches a unique 10-step process that is delivered within the sound bath to support personal transformation and healing.

Please read the contra-indications for receiving a sound bath on her website. Otherwise, this event is suitable for all!

Please fill in the Participation form here: www.clairebestyoga.com/latest-news

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