Living With Intention

What matters to you? What moves you and makes you feel alive? What do you wish to see blossom in your life – and what are you ready to let go of?

At the turn of a new year, many of us ask ourselves these questions. We might set resolutions, perhaps connected to supporting our health and wellbeing, expanding our skills, letting go of an old habit or behaviour, or changing an approach towards something in our daily lives.

Setting resolutions such as these is one of the ways we harness the power of intention. Living with intention involves making conscious choices about how we want to shape our lives. It’s about being present and mindfully engaging with life, rather than automatically repeating behaviours and becoming lost in the tide of our experiences. In doing so, we support ourselves to live in a way that is happier and more meaningful to us.

Making conscious choices

While the beginning of a new year is a great moment to attune to how we want to live, we can practice intentionality at any time. This might be through creating a daily intention, being mindful in how we relate to others, setting aims for our projects and passions, or consciously cultivating a particular attitude in any given moment.

Living with intention reminds us that our thoughts and actions have an impact. We can’t always control outcomes in the world around us. But we do have agency over our internal state of being, and a choice about where and how we focus our energy and attention.

Working with intention requires taking a step back to reflect on what’s truly important to us, and how we want to show up in our lives. In doing so, we gain greater clarity about our values and priorities. This enables us to set our inner compass and make conscious choices that align with these. By listening to the messages we find within, we’re better able to pursue paths and ways of being that bring us a sense of purpose and meaning – and live with greater presence, happiness and fulfilment.

To start working with intention, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. What moves you and makes you feel alive? What is most important to you? And what mindset would you like to adopt towards different aspects of your life?

Asking ourselves these questions can help us to gain clarity about our values and priorities. It supports us to find greater perspective in our lives, and to set our inner compass. In doing so, we’re more able to make choices that align with what is important to us, pursuing paths and ways of being that bring us a sense of purpose and meaning – and living with greater presence, happiness and fulfilment.

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